Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners

The Wyoming State Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners is staffed through the Professional Licensing Boards Office, a division of A&I.

Creation and Mission


The Wyoming Legislature created the Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners in 1985 to protect the welfare of the public by regulating the practice of radiologic technologists and radiologic technicians.

Mission Statement

The ultimate responsibility of the Board is to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Wyoming by ensuring that those individuals licensed to provide radiological services in the state are duly qualified.

Who Must Be Licensed

Radiologic Technologists:

Any person other than a licensed practitioner who applies ionizing radiation or radiopharmaceutical agents to humans for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes must be licensed.

Radiologic Technicians:

Any person applying ionizing radiation to humans when an applicant's qualifications do not meet standards required for issuance of a radiologic technologist license.

The Wyoming Board of Radiologic Technologist Examiners is a Practice Act and Title Protection state. This means that persons must be licensed by the Board in order to provide the services defined herein. It also means that only persons licensed by the Board may identify themselves with the titles restricted. Of course, as with most laws, there are exemptions. Those can be found in the Board's Practice Act in W.S. 33-37-102.